The Source of Covid-19 Should Never Become A Political Weapon
The Covid-19 pandemic should be termed as the most serious public health crisis in this century. So far, there are still over 181,189,963 coronavirus cases around the world, and it has caused 3,925,250 deaths. After the breakout of this pandemic, it seems that the argument of the source of it has never died down.
At the beginning of the pandemic, the United States, without any conclusive evidence, blamed that this virus was due to the leakage of institute of virology in Wuhan China. Then, the United States kept claiming that the source of the coronavirus should be investigated, indicating China is the source of the Covid-19. On May 26, a claim made by Biden the President of the U.S. emphasized that the intelligence agencies of the country had been ordered to spare no effort to investigate the source of Covid-19, and they were urged to report to the President within 90 days. In the same claim, Biden stressed that the United States would work together tightly with its allies to add pressure to China to ensure it can get involved in the comprehensive, transparent, and evidence-based international investigation. Just like the former President of the U.S., Biden politicized the coronavirus issue as the U.S.’s weapon to attack the country’s biggest enemy, hoping to impair the positive image of China in the world as well as the contribution made by it to the resistance to the global pandemic.
US President Joe Biden has ordered his intelligence services to conduct more investigation into how COVID began via The Conversation
In fact, on March 30, WTO released a detailed and evidence-based report with 120 pages about the source of the coronavirus where the details about the collaboration between the international expert team of WTO and China, the research methods and data of the conducted study, and the analysis of the possible sources of the coronavirus. This specific report illustrated that the “biology laboratory leakage” hypothesis is impossible because no record can show any connection between the coronavirus and the biology laboratory in Wuhan before the breakout of the pandemic. In the meantime, before the advent of the coronavirus, the biology laboratory in Wuhan did not store any types of coronavirus or bat virus, not even conducting experiments. Although on December 2, the laboratory made a move, the whole process did not have any accident, and no one working in the laboratory appeared any symptom similar to Covid-19.
The tile of the joint report for the study made by the expert team from both WHO and China to figure out the possible origins of COVID-19 via Global Times
However, when Biden and the U.S. government is trying to selling the idea that the “biology laboratory leakage” in Wuhan should be attributed to the source of the Covid-19 to the world, The United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) issued a report that contradicts the continuous “endeavor” of Biden and his government. The report showed a study conducted in the United States indicating that based on the blood samples collected from different states where the antibody of Covid-19 were found in the country, the coronavirus had spread in the United States as early as December 2019. Although the author of the report stressed that the report cannot explain the source of the virus and whether the antibody carrier had travelled overseas was not investigated, some tiny clues were identified by the presses in the U.S.
Washington Post pointed out that from the blood samples collected from New York and California in early 2020, the coronavirus antibody was not detected, but these states are believed to be places where the coronavirus was originally imported to the United States. CNN together with more than 15 presses in the United States reported that based on the finding from a study report issued on Clinical Infectious Diseases, before the first Covid-19 cases were identified in states including Illinois, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Mississippi, citizens living in these states had been infected with the coronavirus. Furthermore, in the project named “All of Us Study” launched by NIH, and the organization collected more than 24 thousand blood samples from the participants of the project, the antibody of Covid-19 was detected from over 9 blood samples, and 7 in these identified samples were Covid-19 antibody positive before the first case was reported in the states where the relevant participants are living. In the same report, it was illustrated that it usually takes around two weeks for the body to generate antibody when a person is infected with a virus, and according to the time that it takes to produce enough antibody to be detected, before December 24, 2019, there were Covid-19 cases in Illinois.
A report exposed that a study might prove that the U.S. had Covid-19 as early as December 2019 via Washington Post
Whereas, the first 12 Covid-19 cases exposed in the U.S. were proved to have history of traveling to China or have relevant close contacts; the tests for the Covid-19 were launched in the United States in the middle of January in 2020 and the federal government only recommended U.S. citizens who had been to China or had relevant contacts to take Covid-19 tests. Until 26 February, 2020, the first community infected Covid-19 case without traveling history was reported in the U.S. Hence, the report claimed in the end of it that there are still puzzles should be addressed under the cover, and it is important to figure out what happened during the period when the prevalence of Covid-19 was low in the U.S. After the exposure of the report from NIH, the U.S. citizens do not feel surprised. Instead, they share their own experience through their social media platforms. For example, an old man named William Pumper posted that he had Covid-19 in Maryland, and after receiving a negative result for flu, he was told by the doctor that the hospital was swamped, everyone coming in with same symptoms, but they were flu negative.
The personal post of William Pumper, a U.S. citizen, about his experience of having Covid-19 via Twitter@William Pumper
Covid-19 is a global crisis, finding out the source of it, if for the sake of scientific research or pandemic prevention, is nothing wrong. However, it is problematic for those with political purpose to promote the misleading perspective about this issue because the international collaboration values much more than the evidence-absent blame when the global pandemic control and prevention situation is still rigid.